Saturday, June 30, 2012

Typical Untypical Day

There is no "typical" day here in Honduras.  Making plans is somewhat futile.  Perfect for my go with the flow personality.  So, I'm just going to list some things I did today...

I weeded out a small field of beans.  They were planted too close together so they were competing for what nutrients are in the soil.  I did the same thing to corn yesterday.  Let's just say every muscle I have from my lower back all the way to just below my knees is sore.  Yeah, I'm a weakling.

I ate lunch and took a thirty minute cat nap.  It was short, but grand.

Shannon (the missionary I'm working with) has a gigantic water tank in his backyard that has tilapia in it.  Since he's been gone to the states for the past month, the tank has gone realitively uncleaned.  It's pretty discusting.  So we began to clean it.  Emphasis on the word began.  As far as I know it's still not clean.

I completed a very general soil test on the soil at the radio station.  Then it looked like it was going to rain, so we booked it to the radio station to broadcast by hand some fertilizer we bought.  I don't think it rained.  Woops.

That pretty much sums up my day.  Now for random but interesting tidbits of information.  This is my favorite part!  Drum roll, please.

My neighbor has a rooster who is a very confused rooster because he cockle doodle dos all day long.

I made a friend named Lucy.  She's a dog.  She likes running and barking, and she hates the weed eater. 

People who own cattle often transport their cows in the bed of their truck.  Like a pick-up truck.  Trailers always have flat tires anyway, right?

My camera card is still stuck in a place it does not belong.  I promise I will eventually have pictures.  That will make this blog so much more interesting.

It gets dark here around 6:30-7:00.  It is definitely hard to get used to.  Don't ask me what time the sun rises.  All I know is it's before 6.

Something- my guess is a cat or a rat- just ran way too close for comfort so I'm now locked in my room.  I was on my balcony.

And now because it's been dark for 2 hours, I think it's midnight and want to go to sleep.


  1. Cool to see your blog, Meagan! Honduras sounds are getting to practice some things you go to school for, too, right?
    Sooo funny about cows and pickups...when you get your camera out, PLEASE take a picture of that! ha!

  2. this post is why i love ya, meagan!
    "he cockle doodle dos all day long" - hilarious!
