Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth...I Mean Fifth!

Okay, so the Internet quit working last night, so happy belated fourth!

Firecrackers are common here.  Actually they go off all day every day.  Even at 4 in the morning.  Don't ask me why.  But, they're not pretty fireworks; they just make a lot of unnecessary noise.  I blame them and the rooster for any inability I have to sleep.

VBS is still going strong.  Today was our first day.......WAIT I HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT LAST NIGHT!!!  I almost forgot!

Okay, last night we were up in the mountains when it started to rain.  Best mudding experience ever.  Shannon and the Good Lord (words of my grandma) got us off the mountain safely.  Best of all, there was one adult...while we were up there.  Praise the Lord.

Now on to today.  We went to another village to do the same Bible stories over the course of two days.  Again, today was the story of creation.  I helped a six year old boy named Jason during crafts.  He is quite the adorable little kid.  I learned some Spanish words:  luna is moon, sol is sun, luz is light.

The entire group from the U.S. that is doing VBS and the missionary I'm working with are all from Texas.  I have heard countless Oklahoma jokes over the past few days and it would be amazing if I could shoot a Texas joke right back at them.  I need your help!  If you have a good joke about Texas write it as a comment.


  1. Hooray for the salvation!! Great to hear!

    Haha, thats so sad. I wish I knew some Texas jokes...but if I do, I'm afraid their University related, which would leave me a bit unable to help you out. lol

    Good luck, fellow Okie! Enjoying your stories!

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